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Santa Barbara/Martineztown Historic Protection Overlay Zone

Historic Preservation staff is seeking input about a potential new Historic Protection Overlay (HPO) zone for the Santa Barbara/Martineztown neighborhood.


A Historic Protection Overlay (HPO) zone is a legal tool designed to preserve the architectural, historical, and cultural significance of an area while allowing for appropriate development.  An HPO can regulate design and materials but does not affect allowable uses. An HPO adds City review for proposed development, and some new construction would require a public hearing by the Landmarks Commission.

The survey below asks you to share your views on:

  • What an HPO would mean to you as a property owner or resident
  • What characteristics of Santa Barbara and Martineztown are important to preserve
  • How an HPO can protect and enhance the historic character of Santa Barbara/Martineztown
  • Whether you support the City adopting an HPO for Santa Barbara/Martineztown

Survey for Input

Click the link below to fill out a short survey. The survey will be available until February 28, 2025.
