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Restorative Justice Program

Information on Restorative Justice Practices and the relationship with the City of Albuquerque.

What is Restorative Justice?

The City of Albuquerque's Restorative Justice program is a community-driven initiative aimed at promoting healing and reconciliation while addressing harm. Rooted in principles of accountability, empathy, and collaboration, our program seeks to enhance the traditional justice system by emphasizing dialogue, understanding, and meaningful participation from all parties involved.

We are committed to fostering a safe and inclusive environment where affected individuals can come together to repair relationships, address underlying issues, and work towards positive outcomes for all. Our approach recognizes the interconnectedness of individuals and communities, understanding that the well-being of one is intertwined with the well-being of all.

At the heart of our program is the belief in the inherent dignity and worth of every person, regardless of their background or circumstances. We strive to empower individuals to take responsibility for their actions, while also providing them with the support and resources needed to make amends and reintegrate into society in a constructive manner.

Through restorative practices such as facilitated dialogues, mediation, and community service, we aim to not only resolve conflicts and repair harm but also to build stronger, more resilient communities where trust, respect, and empathy are paramount.

What Does Restorative Justice Look Like?

  • Facilitating Dialogue: The program provides a safe and supportive space for victims, offenders, and community members to engage in constructive dialogue. These facilitated discussions allow participants to express their feelings, share their perspectives, and work towards understanding and resolution.
  • Repairing Harm: Restorative Justice focuses on repairing the harm caused by criminal behavior by addressing the needs and interests of those affected. This may involve developing personalized plans for restitution, community service, or other actions aimed at making amends.
  • Promoting Accountability: Rather than relying solely on punitive measures, the program holds offenders accountable for their actions in a way that encourages personal growth and responsibility. By taking responsibility for their actions and understanding the impact on others, offenders can work towards positive change.
  • Supporting Rehabilitation: Restorative Justice provides support and resources to help offenders address underlying issues such as substance abuse, mental health challenges, or social barriers. By addressing these root causes, the program aims to reduce the likelihood of re-offending and support the rehabilitation process.
  • Building Community Connections: The program engages volunteers, local organizations, and stakeholders in the restorative process, fostering connections within the community. By involving the community in addressing crime and conflict, Restorative Justice helps build trust, cohesion, and resilience within neighborhoods.

Overall, the City of Albuquerque Restorative Justice program is dedicated to promoting justice that heals, restores, and transforms lives for the better. Through its holistic approach, the program seeks to create safer, more inclusive communities where individuals can thrive.

The City of Albuquerque provides Restorative Justice trainings and sessions free of charge.

Contact the CABQ Restorative Justice Coordinator at [email protected] or 505-610-5656.