2016-2018 Community Needs Assessment: Comcast Renewal Process
Cable Franchise Agreement Renewal: Background
The 2002 Franchise Agreement for cable television services between the City of Albuquerque and Comcast of New Mexico, LLC expired in 2017. Comcast of New Mexico notified the City in 2016 that it wished to seek renewal of its franchise and enter into an informal renewal process, per federal law, which involved -- among other tasks -- identifying the City's cable-related needs and evaluating Comcast's performance under the existing franchise ordinance.
Renewal Process: How the Community Got Involved
The City of Albuquerque’s renewal process entailed the identification and evaluation of the City's Cable related needs. The City’s work group sought and received input from key officials and managers in City and Bernalillo County government, the Albuquerque Public Schools, and community stakeholders. The City also conducted an email survey.
The City was able to gain a more accurate picture of Comcast’s quality of service and the community’s cable-related needs through these efforts.
Focus Group Meetings Final Report & Survey Results
- Download the Comcast Franchise Agreement Focus Group: Themes.
- Download the Comcast Franchise Survey Report.