A bar chart tracking the number of Automated Speed Enforcement citations issued by the City of Albuquerque since the program started. The date range begins in May 2022 and runs to the end of September 2024. Moving from left to right, a trend of increasing enforcement is visible as more citations are issued, despite variation between individual months which can be slightly lower or higher than the previous month.
The address from which all City of Albuquerque ASE citations are mailed. The city seal is to the left of the mailing address, which will list a PO Box in Florida.
Image of the Albuquerque Automated Speed Enforcement citation body with images of vehicle, plate, ordinances under which the program operates and the signature of the officer who issued the citation based on their review of the incident.
Instructions listed at the top of City of Albuquerque ASE Citations
Instructions at the bottom of City of Albuquerque ASE Citations