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Outdoor Field School: Rio Grande Riparian Ecosystem (ages 11-14)

Middle school-aged youth join two Open Space educators for in-depth learning about the natural world around them through fun, hands-on science outdoors using real scientific field equipment.


Jan 25, 2025
09:00 AM - 12:00 PM


Open Space Visitor Center
6500 Coors Blvd NW
Albuquerque, NM 87120


Middle-school youth explore and learn about the natural world through fun, hands-on science outdoors. 

Program takes place outside and youth should attend field school prepared to have fun in the outdoors and get into nature. Outdoor Field School is offered once-every-other-month during the school year, and topics vary seasonally. Parking and restroom facilities are available at each field site.

Tuition is $10 for the three-hour camp, registration is required at (Open Space → Public Programs → Youth Programs → Outdoor Field School)

Rio Grande Riparian Ecosystem: Join Open Space for a guided 2-mile hike through the Bosque and discover the watershed ecology of the Middle Rio Grande Valley!

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$10 per three-hour program.

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Outdoor Field School: Rio Grande Riparian Ecosystem (ages 11-14)

Image of a forest where the tree trunks are human arms reaching up to the sky.


Alexandra Bezner