Outdoor Field School: Freshwater Invertebrates (ages 11-14)
Middle-school youth explore and learn about the natural world through fun, hands-on science outdoors.
Program takes place outside and youth should attend field school prepared to have fun in the outdoors and get into nature. Outdoor Field School is offered once-every-other-month during the school year, and topics vary seasonally. Parking and restroom facilities are available at each field site.
Tuition is $10 for the three-hour camp, registration is required at play.cabq.gov (Open Space → Public Programs → Youth Programs → Outdoor Field School)
Freshwater invertebrates: Dive into the fascinating world of freshwater invertebrates! Join Open Space for a hands-on exploration of aquatic habitats in the Bosque. Learn how to identify and study insects, crustaceans, and other tiny creatures that play a vital role in the Rio Grande ecosystem.