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December 10, 2024 Air Quality Control Board Meeting

Find information on the December 10, 2024 Air Quality Control Board Meeting.


Dec 10, 2024
05:30 PM - 08:00 PM


Council Chambers
Once Civic Plaza NW
Albuquerque, NM 87102


The December 10, 2024 Air Quality Control Board (AQCB) meeting will be conducted in a hybrid format. To join the meeting online, please click the link below or call (346) 248-7799.

Zoom link:

Meeting ID: 828 5531 1320

The video recording of this meeting will be available online at Staff are available during business hours to help members of the public access meeting recordings. Please call (505) 768-1915 for assistance.

Open Meetings Act: As a public body, the AQCB is subject to the requirements of NM Stat §10-15-1 (2021), the Open Meetings Act (OMA). A guide to the Act is available here:

Public Comment: The AQCB will take general public comment during the first and second public comment opportunities. Please indicate if your comment is general or for a specific agenda item. Comments should be provided during the first opportunity if you want the Board to consider your comment when the item is heard.

Via Zoom, please sign up to speak using the chat function or raise your hand when the Chair asks for public comment. If you are calling in, please press *9 to raise your hand. Any disruptive conduct may result in removal from the meeting.

Public comment will be limited to 5 minutes or less per person, depending upon the number of commenters. Commenters will be called in the order they signed up. Your time will start when you start speaking; the Chair will let you know when your time has concluded. Additionally, you can email comments to [email protected] up until 2 hours before the meeting.

  2. CONSENT AGENDA (Items may be removed at the request of any Board Member)
    1. Approval of the December 10, 2024 Meeting Agenda
    2. Approval of the November 13, 2024 Minutes

Health Equity Environmental Impacts (HEEI)


Please refer to the instructions at the top of this agenda regarding how to sign up.

    1. Hearing regarding AQCB 2024-04 Petition to Amend Existing Rule 20.11.63 NMAC-New Source Performance Standards (NSPS) for Stationary Sources.
    2. Hearing regarding AQCB 2024-05 Petition to amend existing rule 20.11.64 NMAC-Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Stationary Sources.
    3. Replacement of Board Attorney
    4. The Board will consider whether or not to go into closed session with the Board Attorney to discuss pending litigation: Albuquerque-Bernalillo County Air Quality Control Board, Board of County Commissioners of Bernalillo County vs. City of Albuquerque, 202-CV-2-23-09295 and GCC Rio Grande et al vs Albuquerque Bernalillo County Air Quality Control Board, City of Albuquerque, D-202-CV-2023-09435, and appeals of Clean Cars II regulations and the HEEI regulation.

The board will discuss, make a motion with reasonable specificity, and vote whether or not to go into closed session, following procedures outlined in Section 10-15-1 (I) of the OMA. Exceptions to open meetings are outlined in Section 10-15-1 (H).

If there is a closed session, the Board will announce what was discussed and will make any motions based on the closed session discussion. Topics discussed during a closed session are limited to those expressly excepted from the open meeting requirements.


Please refer to the instructions at the top of this agenda regarding how to sign up.


Possible Future Agenda Items (Board)


Next Regular Board Meeting: January 8, 2025

NOTICE TO PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES OR SPECIAL NEEDS: The Air Quality Control Board will take reasonable measures to provide access to individuals with limited ability to speak, write, or understand English or to those with disabilities at no cost to the requestor. If you would like this agenda translated into a different language, please go to and use the Translate Our Site feature at the top of the page, or contact the Air Quality Control Board Liaison for assistance at (505) 768-1915, [email protected], or City of Albuquerque, Environmental Health Department, Air Quality Program, One Civic Plaza NW, 3rd Floor, Room 3023, Albuquerque, NM 87102.

If you have a disability or require special assistance to participate, including interpretation, please contact the Air Quality Control Board Liaison as soon as possible but no later than seventy-two (72) hours before the meeting. Those in need of hearing assistance may call 711.

The Air Quality Control Board does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, ancestry, disability, age, sex, spousal affiliation, gender identity or sexual orientation in the administration of programs or activities, in accordance with federal, state and local laws and regulations.  If you would like to file a complaint or if you have any questions about this notice, you may visit or contact:

            Amanda Trujillo, Executive Assistant- General Services Division

            (505) 768-2534  [email protected] and [email protected]

AVISO PARA PERSONAS CON DISCAPACIDADES O NECESIDADES ESPECIALES: La Junta de Control de Calidad del Aire tomará medidas razonables para brindar acceso a las personas con capacidad limitada para hablar, escribir o entender inglés, o a personas con discapacidades, sin costo para el solicitante. Si quiere recibir este programa traducido a un idioma diferente, acceda a la función Translate Our Site (Traducir nuestro sitio), en la parte superior de la página, o comuníquese con la persona de enlace de la Junta de Control de Calidad del Aire para recibir ayuda llamando al (505) 768-1915, escribiendo a [email protected] o enviando correspondencia a City of Albuquerque, Environmental Health Department, Air Quality Program, One Civic Plaza NW, 3rd Floor, Room 3023, Albuquerque, NM 87102.

Si tiene una discapacidad o necesita ayuda especial para participar, incluidos servicios de interpretación, comuníquese con la persona de enlace de la Junta lo antes posible, a más tardar setenta y dos (72) horas antes de la reunión. Quienes necesiten ayuda por motivos de audición pueden llamar al 711.

La Junta de Control de Calidad del Aire no discrimina según raza, color, nacionalidad de origen, religión, ancestros, discapacidad, edad, sexo, afiliación conyugal, identidad de género u orientación sexual para la administración de programas o actividades, según las leyes y regulaciones federales, estatales y locales.  Si quiere presentar una queja o si tiene preguntas sobre este aviso, puede visitar o contactar a:  

            Amanda Trujillo, Executive Assistant- General Services Division

            (505) 768-2534  [email protected] and [email protected]

December 10, 2024 Air Quality Control Board Meeting

The One Albuquerque/Environmental Health Department logo.


Anita SdeArmijo